Sasuke's assortment of jutsu comprises some of the highest class techniques in the Naruto verse. Labeling him as the series' master of offensive jutsu would in no way be over-evaluating him. His universally acknowledged talent and deep experience qualify him to be so. He is that formidable.

His achievements aside, there is one jutsu in his arsenal that accompanied him for the majority of his journey--Chidori. It's a technique that he picked from his first Sensei, Kakashi. And by honing it for years to come, Sasuke succeeded in making Chidori his trademark jutsu. Despite its widespread reputation, there are still plenty of misunderstandings and confusion regarding the technique. Questions about the technique and its origins are asked quite often in the Naruto fandom.

Sasuke learns Chidori

Chidori is a technique that requires advanced chakra manipulation skills as well as nature manipulation skills--both are criteria Sasuke was able to bypass due to his talents. However, the most extreme requirement for learning Chidori is, in fact, Sharingan.

Without Sharingan, learning Chidori is viable, albeit it won't be useable--at least properly. A side effect of Chidori is limiting the user's eye-sight to tunnel vision. That on top of the insane speed would render them unable to react in case of a counter-attack. An issue that Sharingan can easily solve.

Young Kakashi using his chidori while standing on a river.

Unknown to many, Kakashi is the creator and the foremost pioneer of this technique. It was his trademark jutsu for most of his life. In his youth, he accidentally developed Chidori in an attempt to imbue lightning release chakra into Rasengan.

The result was a technique rivaling Rasengan. Due to the extreme toll Rasengan has on its user's chakra reserves, the newly developed Chidori was a much better alternative to Kakashi.

Sasuke and Naruto

In hindsight, both Chidori and Rasengan are formidable in their own rights. The former specializes in centralized damage and piercing potential; whereas Rasengan inflicts wide-area damage to its target. As such, when it comes to causing the most amount of damage possible, the win goes to Rasengan. Even Jiraiya's judgment was as such.

Then again, Chidori's pinpoint damage can not be ignored either. After all, only death awaits if the heart was pierced accurately.

Anime Attacks Naruto Sasuke Chidori

Rasengan does not require hand signs to activate. It's a technique that stands at the apex chakra manipulation; it has no involvement with nature manipulation(wind release) as widely misunderstood.

Chidori, on the other hand, requires hand signs due to its connections with lightning release. To manipulate the power of nature, hand signs are vital. The only ones capable of overruling that restriction are the ones directly related to the Sage Of The Six Paths.

Chidori Sasuke

Chidori operates in the same concept as Rasengan. But unlike Rasengan which has no affiliations with any nature affinity, Chidori is, obviously, lightning-oriented. It's a highly-concentrated lightning chakra gathered at a certain spot--the user's hand in most case scenarios.

Once mastery over Chidori is achieved, the user won't be limited to their hands. Sasuke is able to manipulate Chidori's lightning chakra as he sees fit. Many of his Chidori-related jutsu were derived due to his advanced mastery.

Kagutsuchi Chidori

On the topic of his mastery, Sasuke raised Chidori to greater heights than his predecessor. Besides the Chidori derivatives such as Chidori Sharp Spear and Chidori Senbon, he also succeeded in implementing different types of Chakra to the technique.

Black Chidori, for example, was developed by applying the Cursed Seal chakra to the jutsu. There's also Dark Chidori which is a combination between lightning release and blaze release.

Part1 Sasuke uses Chidori

As the technique was directly inspired by Rasengan, it sucks a significant chunk of the user's chakra. Part one Sasuke was only able to use the technique twice per day whereas Kakashi was only able to use it 4 times.

Naturally, their limits significantly increased in the series' sequel. But even then, it's unlikely that executing the jutsu was as easy as a breeze to them.

Sarada uses Chidori

Besides Kakashi, who is the creator of Chidori, and Sasuke, who is his direct successor, there is only one more person capable of using the technique. Chidori's requirements are severe; hence it's highly unlikely that a whole bunch of people will ever learn it.

As for the third and final user, that achievement goes to Sarada. She directly inherited the technique from Sasuke. So far, she has only used it in the manga

Chidori Blade

Sasuke's Chidori grew so much to the point where it transcended its initial form. Rather than a sure-kill technique that gets used in the most straightforward manner, Chidori became a versatile technique that covers various aspects of combat.

As such, Sasuke is able to use it to augment his swordsmanship. By directly injecting lightning chakra into his Sword of Kusanagi, the sword's sharpness will increase by leaps and bounds--which is Chidori Blade.

Kirin Naruto

Calling Chidori the strongest lightning release jutsu will undoubtedly be a stretch. There's a handful of lightning jutsu that surpass it in power. That said though, it's much more convenient to execute when compared to its stronger counterparts.

Kirin, for example, can reduce a small mountain to smithereens on top of destroying Itachi's Susanoo. But as a con, it requires plenty of beforehand preparations to be able to use it.

NEXT: Naruto: 10 Most Powerful Ninjutsu Attacks